Call Apex webservice method from custom button

Many times we have a requirement to call a apex method from a custom button from standard pagelayout. Below is simple way to do this.
1.)Create a global class with a webservice method and call that from custom button using javascript onClick event.
Create a global class
global class OutboundEmails {

WebService static void SendEmailNotification(string id) {

//create a mail object to send a single email.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

//set the email properties
mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {'EmailAddress here'});
mail.setSenderDisplayName(' Email Agent');
mail.setSubject('A new reminder');
mail.setHtmlBody('an object with ID='+ id + ' is just clicked on.');

//send the email
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail } );

And have a custom button with display type as “Detail Page Button” and Behaviour type as “Execute JavaScript”, content source as “onClick javascript”.
And the code for javascript
sforce.apex.execute(“OutboundEmails”,”SendEmailNotification”, {id:”{!Case.CaseNumber}”});

Source  :


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