What is Heroku

What is Heroku?
Heroku (pronounced her-OH-koo) is a cloud application platform – a new way of building and deploying web apps.
Benefits of PAAS
Deployment using GIT
Tracking Your App in Git
$ git init
Create GIT remote
$ heroku create –stack cedar
$ heroku create –stack cedar –remote staging
$ heroku create –stack cedar –remote production
Creating falling-wind-1624… done, stack is cedar
http://falling-wind-1624.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:falling-wind-1624.git
Git remote heroku added
You can verify the remote in your git configuration as well:
$ git remote -v
heroku git@heroku.com:falling-wind-1624.git (fetch)
heroku git@heroku.com:falling-wind-1624.git (push)
Push Code to Heroku Remote
$ git push heroku master
$ git push staging master
$ git push production master
Stacks Available
A stack is a complete deployment environment including the base operating system, the language runtime and associated libraries. As a result, different stacks support different runtime environments.
$ heroku stack
Heroku aggregates three categories of logs for your app:
  • App logs – Output from your application. This will include logs generated from within your application, application server and libraries. (Filter: –source app)
  • System logs – Messages about actions taken by the Heroku platform infrastructure on behalf of your app, such as: restarting a crashed process, idling or unidling a web dyno, or serving an error page due to a problem in your app. (Filter: –source heroku)
  • API logs – Messages about administrative actions taken by you and other developers working on your app, such as: deploying new code, scaling the process formation, or toggling maintenance mode. (Filter: –source heroku –ps api)
  • $ heroku logs
  • $ heroku logs –source app –ps worker
Adding Collabrator
$ heroku sharing:add joe@example.com
$ heroku info –app theirapp
$ git clone -o heroku git@heroku.com:theirapp.git
$ cd theirapp
You can now use git push heroku to deploy local changes and git pull heroku to merge any changes deployed by other collaborators.


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